
The Key To Effective Marijuana Marketing: a Dope Website – Marijuana Website Templates

Templates are great for making cookies, but each cookie looks the same. Don’t let your Marijuana Marketing webpage be just another cookie in the batch.

Generally speaking, any company looking into developing a new web page is bound to be tempted by the idea of purchasing a marijuana website template. They seem like an easy solution – a time saver and typically fairly cheap. Before you jump to the common choice, ask yourself this one question: Do we want our website to blend in or stick out? Assuming (and hoping) your answer was to “stick out,” it is our duty here at Online Marijuana Design to tell you to steer clear of boring templates!

On average, internet users spend anywhere from 7-30 seconds scrolling through a website before punching that backspace button and going to another page. That means you potentially have less than 10 seconds to prove to your viewers that your page is where they want to stay.

Templates are great for making cookies, but each cookie looks the same. Don’t let your Marijuana Marketing webpage be just another cookie in the batch.

When it comes to Marijuana Marketing, it is important to keep your audience in mind. The key to impressing those in the 420 industry is originality, charm and a ton of interaction.

There is a lot of competition, and it’s growing faster than the plants.

As it is 2014 now, and legalization is starting to take off, you are surely not the only one in the market for your area. You wouldn’t describe your pot, or your services, as bland and forgettable, so it’s important to ensure that your Marijuana Marketing reflects the same. You want your site to say “We are the best of the best!”

Before you spend even a penny, be sure you’re spending it wisely.

There are a ton of template websites out there, you’ve probably seen plenty of them if you are working on building a new site; the problem is, you probably don’t remember any of them. And there is a reason for that: they aren’t very specific, their designs are simple and they often look like a grade school computer class put them together. The purpose of any marketing/advertising is to draw attention, not to fade into the crowd. When it comes to Marijuana web design, you’re almost better off with no website than spending money on an unmemorable template.

While web design templates may seem like a great way to jump start your business by going from nothing to a full website with just a few clicks of your mouse, the ultimate result can actually be detrimental to your Marijuana Marketing. At Online Marijuana Design, we have made it our mission to bring life to Marijuana web design! Our strategies are guaranteed to bring professionalism, personality and return customers to your site; very much the opposite of what you would get by investing in an average template.

In the world of Marijuana Web Development, you get exactly what you pay for, just as you would in any other industry. Running a Medical Marijuana Collective is no different than owning a restaurant or nightclub: if your marketing appears cheap, people will assume that your products and services are cheap as well. And they are probably right! The internet has become the #1 resource for information; Americans are hardly even watching TV anymore. With 255 million internet users and 70 million smartphones, 80% of the population is online. In today’s day and age, if you aren’t making a valiant effort to create a unique, custom-designed cannabis website, then prepare to be overlooked. The goal should be not only to enlighten and impress but also to convert page visitors into regular clients.

So in those precious first couple of seconds that you have to catch your viewer’s attention, leave them saying “This is DOPE!” Not “Uh…next.”

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